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Psalm 119: 97-104

Oh how I love your law!
It is my meditation all the day.
Your commandment makes me wiser than my enemies,
for it is ever with me.
I have more understanding than all my teachers,
for your testimonies are my meditation.
I understand more than the aged,
for I keep your precepts.
I hold back my feet from every evil way,
in order to keep your word.
I do not turn aside from your rules,
for you have taught me.
How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Through your precepts I get understanding;
therefore I hate every false way.




Religion & Geography
Largest Religion: Christian
% Evangelical:  8.3% 
Population: 129,388,467


Evangelicals numbered 800,000 in 1960. They now number over 14 million, and the movement still grows! The Catholic Church oppressed ministry work in the past, but the government now gives freedom at local, state, and national levels. Both international denominations and indigenous movements grow well. The Evangelical Fraternity of Mexico (CONEMEX) works for unity and for good relations with the government. A Pentecostal fellowship also brings together the millions of Pentecostals. Large events such as the March for Jesus/March of Glory and prayer movements draw believers together. Geographical distance and broken relationships divide many families, and many are first-generation believers who need help to grow in their commitment and faith. Pray for godly church leaders, and for more pastors willing to work among the poor in rural or slum areas. City jobs and bigger churches attract many new pastors.

Ministry to young people is vital. Around one-quarter of Mexicans are aged 15 or younger. Due to its focus on youth ministry, the evangelical faith has made great inroads among young people in Mexico. This staggering challenge is being only partially met.






D&M || Middle East

D&M had new teammates arrive in the past few months who have settled in a company home in the West Bank. This couple served a Journeyman term in the area a few years ago and came to the field with connections and relationships almost immediately! Together with these new teammates, D&T are continuing to pursue the formation of a house church with two local believing young men. While these two brothers regularly engage in evangelism and discipleship, they still have yet to be baptized. This is a regular pattern among Muslim-background believers. Baptism is often considered the real step of conversion and it is at that point that they face more severe persecution from family and friends. Working through the concept of believer's baptism with these two.


  • Pray for these brothers to be willing to follow Jesus’ example and pursue believer’s baptism.
  • Pray for favor so that their basketball ministry to Muslims can re-start in a local gym (although it is owned by a Christian organization, the owner fears possible backlash from these efforts)
  • Pray for the Bible study they currently lead with 4 other young men.
  • These two men are single and face increasing pressure from their families to find wives. Pray that they will not succumb to familiar pressure and become unequally yoked. Rather, boldly pray that they will find local/regional Christian women who will come alongside them in their walks!

As the war continues in their region, D&M are receiving some advanced relief work training with the hopes of being among the first to go into and assess the situation in Gaza and provide humanitarian relief with their company. Until that happens, they continue to head up relief work in their region but are being met with challenges from those who ought to be supporting them. In a recent report, a local Christian College (who act as a distribution partner) reported ZERO gospel conversations over the last reporting period. D&M have a meeting scheduled with the President of this college to learn more, but this is both discouraging and concerning for them as stage 3 of their project is quickly approaching.


  • Pray for this conversion. That it happens and that the President will be equally concerned about this report.
  • Pray for D&Ms continued relationships, growth in language, and that their labors would bear gospel fruit.