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 Psalm 119: 25–32

My soul clings to the dust;
give me life according to your word!
When I told of my ways, you answered me;
teach me your statutes!
Make me understand the way of your precepts,
and I will meditate on your wondrous works.
My soul melts away for sorrow;
strengthen me according to your word!
Put false ways far from me
and graciously teach me your law!
               I have chosen the way of faithfulness;
I set your rules before me.
I cling to your testimonies, O Lord;
let me not be put to shame!
I will run in the way of your commandments
when you enlarge my heart!



Marriages in RCC

Let us pray for our marriages within RCC. That there would be unity, love, and the Gospel being displayed in the different roles God calls a husband and a wife. That when the world would look at our marriage, although imperfect, they would see Christ at work and the fruit of the gospel. 

Pray for husbands, that they wouldn’t be harsh to their wives, that arrogance and pride wouldn’t be the driving force in their leadership, but humbleness and love as they seek to model Christ. Pray that they would receive their wives as gifts of the Lord, helpers fit for them, and would nurture, cherish, and protect them accordingly. 

Pray for wives, that they would ultimately submit themselves, as to the Lord and His word, and by doing so, would find joy in their role as a helpmate. Pray for wisdom of when to speak up and lead their husbands into repentance and faith. 

Pray for there to be no secret sin; withheld from a spouse or kept from our community, but that sin would be exposed through confession and repentance. 







Religion & Geography
Largest Religion: Hindu, 74.3 %
% Evangelical:  2.2 %
Population: 1,441,719,852
Continent: Asia



Training for Christian workers is an urgent need. The life and health of the Church depend on pastors, teachers, evangelists, and missionaries. Many new believers come to faith through large rallies, healings, or miracles, but have few opportunities for Christian discipleship. Most leaders and pastors received very little preparation for their work. Pray for the formal training institutions. 

India now has over 100 degree-level seminaries! Many are evangelical. Bible schools number over 1,000. Many teach practical skills (such as church planting) in addition to theology. Training centers for indigenous workers (to train church planters) now also play a significant role. But much more is needed. Pray for creative, effective models to reach the country’s pastors and leaders with Bible teaching. All Christians need training to be effective ambassadors for Christ in their society. The Indian Church must learn to have greater impact in the workplace and in national life. Currently most Indians associate Christianity with the deprived and lower classes of society (80% of Indian Christians come from Dalit or tribal communities). The gospel has not yet made a significant impact on business, politics, arts, or culture.




Advancing Christ’s Kingdom

Are there people you are have shared the gospel with recently? Let us pray for those seeds to take root.

Are there people you are are seeking to engage with the gospel? Let us pray for opportunity, boldness, and the Lord to save. 

Are you burdened by anything in our community? Let us take it to the Lord. 

In what other ways can we pray for Christ’s kingdom to advance in our region?